Lisa Delpit shows throughout her text that she has done her research and I never knew before reading her words that a lot of education systems are so split up like this. The ways of teaching that colored educators use, that Delpit has spoken of, seem to be more interesting and useful for not just students of color, for all students in the school system.
"How can such complete communication blocks exist when both parties truly believe they have the same aims?" (page 23).
-This quote in the text is referring to all of Delpit's responses to her previous article she had written before she used any proof of her own research. It basically means that white teachers and colored teachers had both responded completely differently but yet both groups are supposed to be reaching toward the same goal. The issue is somehow becoming about which group is right instead of what the best way to teach children of color is.
"The teacher can not be the only expert in the classroom. To deny students their own expert knowledge is to dis-empower them." (page 33).
- In this quote, Lisa Delpit was trying to explain that a teacher can not just display her own knowledge in the class but using large vocabulary and expect the student can eventually catch up. You do not need to dumb things down either, but making a lesson plan for students that is more interesting and fun while building up from what they already know can be most successful!
"A white applicant who exhibits problems is an individual with problems. A person of color who exhibits problems immediately becomes a representative of her cultural group." (page 38).
-This quote is referring to students in college that have poor writing skills. It is suggesting that if a white student is having difficulty with writing then she is just a slow learner who will need more help in that area. But a student of color would be basically a lost cause and automatically added to the number of other colored students who had trouble with writing when they could have just used some help too.
I definitely don't disagree with everything that Lisa Delpit has said in The Silenced Dialogue BUT my topic for discussion is the question, Why did she need to separate everyone into separate groups? Racism is clearly still an issue, but the way I look at it is: A student is a student and a teacher is a teacher. They have all done the same things to get them where they are today so why do the groups need to feel so different?
I loved the quotes that you chose from the article! It is really horrific how white people think that they are right and have all the answers to every problem. I personally loved how Lisa Delpit interviewed students and teachers about their classroom experiences. Some of the stories were really sad, but the one about the Native American student from Alaska was truly inspiring and shows how even though other people might look down at you, you have to keep your chin up and keep on fighting for your dreams. There is no right or wrong way when it comes to teaching, as long as the students understand and learn the material. It is sad that people still think of people of color as lost causes. Everybody should have equal opportunities that will help them succeed in life. It is not fair that white people still have the most privileges. I agree with your question :Why do groups need to feel so different? There is a good different and a bad different, however it seems like people like to point out differences in a very negative manner. Overall, you gave some excellent points about the article and I can't wait to discuss this in class!
ReplyDeleteI highlighted the second quote you did too, I agree a teacher shouldn't dumb things down. Students will take the easy route of having the teacher tell them rather than the teacher giving the tools and information for the children to figure it out on their own.
ReplyDeleteI really love the second quote that you chose. I agree that this is a huge point in the article and that teachers need to create a balance in the classroom. They cannot completely disregard their class, but they also cannot be too powerful over them. I also like how you posted a picture of the author!
ReplyDeleteYour blog is definitely visually appealing. I really like the different colors you used and pictures you chose. I think that you did a great job with using the technology! The only critique that I have is to make sure you add an external link with each post.